The kitting experts
RewAir is a composite kitting solution expert and outsourcing partner to leading wind OEM’s and dedicated wind composites manufacturers.
RewAir feels very proud to have contributed to the professionalization of the wind supply chain and enhancing the competitiveness of its customers in the renewable energy industry.
Today, RewAir is a leading and trusted supplier of customized structural material and services to rotor blade and nacelle manufacturers and excels in providing just-in-time supply of customized and value-added structural reinforcement solutions e.g., glass fabric preforms and glass fabric kits, core kits, vacuum consumable kits,
and related engineering and logistics services.
RewAir is headquartered in Denmark and has a strong European footprint, operations in Spain and Poland and further expansion plans.The innovative drive of RewAir keeps getting stronger, with ongoing projects already in the pipeline to look at unexplored opportunities, such as the use of further digitalization and artificial intelligence for decision support, efficiency improvements and improved customer service in the coming years.
The RewAir team in 2022 celebrated reaching its 20th anniversary business milestone.
RewAir is looking forward to serving you.
Let’s meet at JEC in Paris.
In 2025 RewAir will not have an exhibitor booth, but the RewAir Team is visiting in person on March 4th and 5th .


RewAir celebrates 20 years in business
The RewAir team is celebrating reaching its 20th anniversary business milestone.

Strengthening of the Group Management Team
Alberto Moro Romero promoted COO. We are happy to annou...

RewAir participated in the Danish Royal Visit to India
as part of the company’s support for the Green Strategic Partnership initiative between Denmark ...

Nordex Blade Spain Outsources Wind Blade Kitting to RewAir
The European rotor blade production facility of the Nordex Group in Lumbier, Navarre, northern Spain...

Wind Rotor Blade Automation Innovation Project
RewAir has recently finalized a EU funded innovation project...

RewAir Group Expansion in India
A major multinational expansion of the RewAir Group in India to sup...

RewAir strengthen its Engineering capabilities
For RewAir to support its customers urgent journey towards higher...

ISO 9001:2015 re-certification
In October RewAir Holding A/S and the three production sites in Spain, Poland and Denmark were ISO 9...

Factory in a Box®
The RewAir Factory in a Box® concept was fully implemented in 2018. The concept ensures swift, comp...

PrePreg glass kitting
In close collaboration with a customer, RewAir has built and demonstrated excellent capabilities in ...

RewAir, as Tier1 supplier to the wind blade manufacturers and as member of the APQP4Wind organizatio...
Outsourcing made simple
Close customer relationships
Competent & dedicated team
Cost & quality leadership
Supply chain integration
Scaleable & flexible production